The history of the Workshops starts in 1968 when Dr. Wilhelm Bernhard, a Swiss famous scientist, founded this series of Workshops.

27th Wilhelm Bernhard Workshop, 19 – 23 June 2023,
Prague, Czech Republic

The 27 th Wilhelm Bernhard Workshop on the Cell Nucleus meeting venue had to be changed due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The International and the Organizing committees jointly made a decision to hold the meeting in Prague, Czech Republic on 19-23 June 2023. The location was selected due to its relative proximity to Ukraine as a sign of our solidarity with Ukrainian scientists and all people of Ukraine.

The scientific program was similar to the original meeting, while adding to specialized workshops, co-organizes with the  COST Action EpiLipidNET (CA 19105) and the  Society for Histochemistry. We also applied for a grant from the  Visegrad Fund, and these measures supported the attendance of many young scientists.

The rich social program of the Workshop provided a relaxing and free environment for communication not only science, but all current events influencing our research and life, all in summery historical Prague.

26th Wilhelm Bernhard Workshop, 20 – 23 May 2019, Dijon, France

The 26th Wilhelm Bernhard Workshop will focus on the recent discoveries in the field of biology of the cell nucleus. Fundamental and applied research in this area will be discussed in a friendly environment of the University of Burgundy and Franche-Comté. We expect a highly stimulating and motivating conference sessions with participation of world-renowned scientist as well as promising young researchers. Young scientists are encouraged to apply, and a limited amount of travel grants will be available.

Dijon – the capital of Burgundy – is located 300 km from Paris, 200 km from Lyon and is connected to these cities by the TGV express train.

25th Wilhelm Bernhard Workshop, 19 – 22 June 2017, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

The anniversary 25th Wilhelm Bernhard Workshop on the Cell Nucleus will be held in the ancient Russian city of Nizhny Novgorod. The conference will cover a wide spectrum of topics including nuclear compartments, 3D genome organization, regulation of eukaryotic genes expression, DNA replication and repair, non-coding RNA, cell imaging and dynamics, mechanisms of oncogenesis and other topics.

24th Wilhelm Bernhard Workshop, 17 – 22 August 2015, Vienna, Austria

Research on biological processes in the nucleus is accumulating a rapidly growing knowledge of nuclear structure and functions. Thus we are expecting a highly stimulating and motivating conference, hopefully living up to the previous meetings of the prestigious Wilhelm Bernhard Workshop series.

Moreover, this year’s meeting is proud to host the 2015 Symposium of the Society for Histochemistry.

23rd Wilhelm Bernhard Workshop, 2013, Debrecen, Hungary

22nd Wilhelm Bernhard Workshop, 2011 Riga, Latvia

21st Wilhelm Bernhard Workshop, 2009 Ustron, Poland

20th Wilhelm Bernhard Workshop, 2007 St Andrews., Scotland

19th Wilhelm Bernhard Workshop, 2005 Münsterschwarzach Abbey, Germany
18th Wilhelm Bernhard Workshop, 2003 Pavia, Italy
17th Wilhelm Bernhard Workshop, 2001 Arcachon, France
16th Wilhelm Bernhard Workshop, 1999 Prague, Czech Republic
15th Wilhelm Bernhard Workshop, 1998 Lac-Delage, Canada
14th Wilhelm Bernhard Workshop, 1995 Spa, Belgium 
13th Wilhelm Bernhard Workshop, 1993 Balatonaliga, Hungary 
12th Wilhelm Bernhard Workshop, 1991 Les Diablerets, Switzerland 
11th Wilhelm Bernhard Workshop, 1989 Suzdal, USSR 
10th Wilhelm Bernhard Workshop, 1987 Stevensbeek, The Netherlands 
9th Wilhelm Bernhard Workshop, 1985 Krakow, Poland 
8th Wilhelm Bernhard Workshop, 1983 Banyuls-sur-Mer, France 
7th Wilhelm Bernhard Workshop, 1981 Safed, Israel 
6th Wilhelm Bernhard Workshop, 1979 Weimar, Germany 
5th Wilhelm Bernhard Workshop, 1977 Salamanca, Spain 
4th Wilhelm Bernhard Workshop, 1975 Varna, Bulgary 
3th Wilhelm Bernhard Workshop, 1973 Abisko, Sweden 
2th Wilhelm Bernhard Workshop, 1971 Lake Balaton, Hungary 
1th Wilhelm Bernhard Workshop, 1969 Liblice, Czechoslovakia